Thursday, October 7, 2010


People always got confusion about Istikhara. They always think istikhara is done when you are getting married but actually Istikhara is the prayer which is done when you are unsure about something and you want guidance from Allah.
So you wait for a sign or feeling.But how about Dua???

Dua is something that you can say without prayer, so you could sit and open up your heart and tell Allah.

But nowadays..many people tend to share their problems to humans. They rely too much on humans without realizing that HE always here for you.HE always loves you.

And the important thing. you should not rely much on humans. Humans cannot answer your prayers.
You should turn to Allah before turning to anyone else.

If you walk to Him, He will run to you.
Allah loves it when people ask Him for help.
He is our Lord and our Creator. He knows best for us.
So my dear sister turn to Allah with sincerity, open your heart to him.
Inshaa'Allah everything will be fine.

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